Saturday, November 14, 2020

Buck Creek State Park

 A little afternoon drive at Buck Creek yielded some nice encounters.....

Thursday, October 22, 2020

October Camping at Hocking Hills State Park

 We camped at Hocking Hills State Park for a few nights to enjoys the fall colors. 
I wanted to visit the John Glenn Astrology Park, which is only a few miles from the state park, but the weather did not cooperate, and we didn't have clear night skies until our last night. Rather than drive, we stayed in the campgrounds and shot some night images. 
The crescent moon was showing some earthshine, and Jupiter was visible as well. 
This shot is a double exposure using the Olympus EM1 Mark3 and the Panasonic/Leica 8-18mm lens in Starry Sky mode. 

Hocking Hills Birds

A few Hocking Hills State Park birds.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Water Sports on a Windy Day

I stopped by the beach area at CJ Brown this windy afternoon looking for migratory birds.
Instead, I found some different birds....and airborn they were!
The beach waters were being used by some kite-boarders to fly high and fast across the water. I was amazed and in awe of their skills! Here are a few images, and the full gallery is here (if you guys see these, you can open the gallery and download any you want). 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Kool Dude!

This is a new one for me....the Orange Assassin Bug, Pselliopus barberi. 
I found him at Kirby Preserve, in Clark County, on Goldenrod.
He reminds me of a Beetlejuice Bug. 

Kingfisher Fishing

 I stopped at the First Christian Church grounds, where there's a pond that turns into a mudflat about this time each year. I draws shorebirds, and I wasn't disappointed....there were several.
My best find though, was this Belted Kingfisher. Because of the shallow depth of this pond, the fish are quite small. Enough so that the Kingfisher would dive, grab a small fish and immediately hover for another dive as he swallowed his catch. 
I was able to capture some action shots using the Olympus EM1 M3 and Ziko 300mm F4 in C-AF Tracking mode. 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Eastern Hornet Fly

 This is the Eastern Hornet Fly, Spilomyia longicornis, from Kirby Preserve in Clark County yesterday. The Hornet Fly is a species of syrphid fly (Hover Flies and Flower Flies). They are harmless and don't sting or bite.They are great wasp mimics, utilizing coloring as a protection by appearing to be a wasp or bee....something called "Batesian mimicry." Sources state that "some species even go so far as to wave their front legs in front of their face to mimic the jointed antennae of the potter wasps." I think that's what this fellow was doing. Didn't fool me a bit, though.