Wednesday, April 30, 2014

John Bryan Birds

We finished getting the motorhome ready for our trip next week, and decided to take a ride. We ended up in Yellow Springs, and took a drive to John Bryan State Park.
Neither of us had been to JB for a number of years. Just seeing the rugged landscape and the cliffs and gorges brought back memories.
We did find several birds and were able to photograph a few....

A curious Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher...

Some fish under a log....

A Hooded Warbler......

More Hooded....

 Northern Parula Warblers......

 A pesky Raccoon.....
 And some wildflowers; including this Trillium...

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Owlets, Beautiful Red-Wings and a Sora

I spent a couple of hours at Prairie's Edge after Lynda told me that she had located the Great Horned Owl's nest. The former nest had been blown away in a wind storm last year.
Momma Owl chose wisely this year, choosing to nest in a dead tree....and fortunately in clear view!
In addition to the owls, I took some shots of the always gorgeous Red-Winged Blackbirds, and even called in a Sora in the wetlands.