Wednesday, October 3, 2012

White Pelican

Saturday evening, David & I took a drive through Buck Creek State Park, and at the CJ Brown beach, we saw an American White Pelican. It was too far out for any photographs.
Sunday morning, David drove by the beach area on his way to the fairgrounds, and called to let me know that the pelican was on the beach at a fairly accessible location. I headed out, and was able to get a few shots before it headed out.

Over at Old Reid Park, I watched the Osprey fish and sun, and was able to catch a few shots as it flew by.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Dragonflies are interesting photo subjects during these hot days….
These images were shot with a Canon 500 F4 lens, although I prefer using the 300 F4 or the Sigma 18mm. Due to the layout of the pond and the inability to get in close, the 500mm was the best choice.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Down to One....

One Red-Tailed Hawk chick has left the nest….the other one is practicing getting some lift.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Red-Tail Chicks

The Red-tailed hawks are getting closer to their exodus from the nest. I thought that they were gone when we stopped at the nest tonight, but just when we were getting ready to leave a head popped up and there they were!


Friday, June 1, 2012

Cedar Waxwings

These are such elegant birds….with their black masks and their jauntily tipped headgear, they just exude class. I wondered how it was that they were named….until I had an opportunity to see one close-up. Here’s some pics from the Dayton KOA Kampgrounds. The red tips of their wings acually look like drops of candle wax….they are so aptly named!

Bringing Home the BUgs

I watched this American Robin gather a load ‘o bugs to take back to her brood….
There are at least two (maybe three) damselflies, a slug, an earthworm, and another dragonfly. What a beakful!!

Final Days in the Nest

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Magee Kirtland's Warbler

We just returned from a 5 day visit to Magee Marsh, near Oregon, Ohio. This lakeside habitat is a “migrant trap” where birds migrating north to Canadian breeding grounds stop over for feeding before crossing Lake Erie.
A highlight of this visit was our sighting of a female Kirtland’s Warbler. These warblers were thought to breed only in stands of jack pines in Michigan’s lower peninsula. Now breeding populations have been identified in other staes as noted in this article:
A female Kirtland’s Warbler from Magee Marsh….

Nashville Warblers

From the observation tower at Magee, we were at eye-level with some small willows. Several Nashville Warblers displayed their acrobatic skills while foraging in the catkins. Wonderful to watch!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Black Pole Warblers

One of the interesting stories I heard while waiting on birds to work their way into viewfinder range of the Magee Observation Deck, was that of the Blackpoll Warbler.
This tiny powerhouse travels up to 1800 miles over water….according to Cornell’s site, about 88 hours of nonstop flight!


Magee Woodcock Family

On Saturday, we were able to watch as a Mother Woodcock and her two young foraged at the small loop. Unconcerned about the throng of observers, they strutted along with their amusing “Woodcock Shuffle.”
Using their shovel-tipped beaks, they unearthed several juicy worms. Finally, Mom settled in for a rest, and the babes settled into some debris….becoming virtually impossible to see.
Here’s a video clip of their performance:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Yellow-Throated Warbler

I was thrilled to get an opportunity to photograph this Yellow-Throated Warbler at Buck Creek State this afternoon. What a beautiful fellow!

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

And speaking of beautiful fellows….guess who is back? That’s right….the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak. Amazing color!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Solitary Sandpiper

This Solitary Sandpiper was photographed at Wright Patterson AFB on Monday.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Buck Creek Birds

We took a walk at Buck Creek’s Prairie View area today and saw an increasing variety of warblers and other migratory birds.
I was pleased to be able to photograph a few, including:
Northern Parula:

Orchard Oriole

And one other bird from yesterday’s walk……an Orchard Oriole:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Visitor from Afar

Ahhhh….the benefits of electronic media!
Yesterday evening, as I was surfing Facebook, I saw a post and photograph of a Pacific Loon that had been sighted at Eastwood Lake (in Dayton, Ohio). Coincidentally, my plans for this morning would take me right by the lake. I was able to stop briefly this morning, just to confirm that the loon was still around, and then once my meetings were completed late this afternoon, revisited to get some images.
He was still at the lake, and did approach fairly close to where I and others were observing.
In case you’re interested, this loon’s range is shown here:

Friday, March 30, 2012

Red-Tailed Hawks

The Red-Tailed Hawks at C.J. Brown are getting ready to fledge. I’ve been stopping to check on them every few days….caught mom bringing them a snack (looks like a coot chick).
Chicks waiting for mom to return….the one on the right has a full crop!


Mom bringing a snack….

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Surf Scoters

It was a beautiful day to be outdoors….still a bit cool, but the sun was out….. so we headed for Caesar Creek State Park. We hoped to catch a view of some Surf Scoters that had been seen.
When we arrived at the location noted in an Ohio Bird’s List post, we were told that the Scoters had been around, but had already headed out. We elected to hang around for a while, and were rewarded with some flight shots when the Scoters returned.