Sunday, May 1, 2011


The Ohio Birds Listserve was busy with postings about a sighting of a Garganey over the weekend. One of the posts stated that the last Garganey sighting was in 1994. Not having much else to do on a gray Ohio day, we decided to drive down to Harrison County, to the Fernald Preserve.
We were able to view the duck and to get a few images; though the light was poor and he stayed on the far side of the pond. Even so, it was well worth the drive to be able to see this duck!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Migrants are here!

Migrants are passing through and a beautiful spring day had them all singing! David & I had plenty to do around the house, but couldn’t miss an opportunity to be out seeing what changes the season had brought…..
A visit to Buck Creek State Park proved productive….we saw and photographed a Pine Warbler in the woods below the Overview.
 bit further on the trail, we heard Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers, and were able to call a couple of these delightful little birds in fairly close.

Down at the Prairieview area, we heard a Yellow Warbler, and were able to get a few shots