Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bald Eagles at Buck Creek

On our drive through Buck Creek this morning, we saw two very large birds on the beach at CJ Brown Reservoir. They were adult bald eagles and appeared to be feasting on some washed ashore fish.
We weren’t able to approach close enough for good shots, but while crossing the dam a few minutes later, one of the birds crossed directly in front of us. David was able to grab a couple of shots with his handheld 300mm. I’m hoping that we’ll see some nest building next year….what a treat to see these birds in our area!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Oine Siskins and Ruddy Duck

Friday, I took a drive through CJ Brown, and encountered a flock of about 20 Pine Siskins. Lighting wasn’t optimal, but you can get the idea.

This morning, David & I headed on our usual route, and while driving through Old Reid, we saw this Ruddy Duck. I was driving, so David shot from the passenger window and did a good job of getting the fall foliage reflected in the pond.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

White Pelican

Saturday evening, David & I took a drive through Buck Creek State Park, and at the CJ Brown beach, we saw an American White Pelican. It was too far out for any photographs.
Sunday morning, David drove by the beach area on his way to the fairgrounds, and called to let me know that the pelican was on the beach at a fairly accessible location. I headed out, and was able to get a few shots before it headed out.

Over at Old Reid Park, I watched the Osprey fish and sun, and was able to catch a few shots as it flew by.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Dragonflies are interesting photo subjects during these hot days….
These images were shot with a Canon 500 F4 lens, although I prefer using the 300 F4 or the Sigma 18mm. Due to the layout of the pond and the inability to get in close, the 500mm was the best choice.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Down to One....

One Red-Tailed Hawk chick has left the nest….the other one is practicing getting some lift.